Saturday, April 14, 2007

Simplification 101

My 10 year old said something to me last week that got me thinking. "We don't have anything to do since daddy won't play video games and you took our Yughio cards away. It is just too boring." Too boring? Nothing to do? Give me a break!

That statement made me think...we give them WAY too much. They don't use thier imaginations. They don't have to. They are given someone elses imagination to play with through modern day technology. They don't know what it is like to go out and have to find something to do. They always have video games or a movie ready to pop at the drop of a hat. Don't get me wrong. I think video games and movies are great and admit I do indulge in them myself BUT there is too much.

I am hoping to make our lives, our exsistance a bit more simple this summer. We have been overrun by tvs, dvds, computers, video games....etc. My mind is gushing and going mad with everything we have. I want to get back to the simple way of life. One where we can feel free to turn off the tv and not worry about what we are going to do. One where the picklets can go outside and actually be able to occupy their time make their minds and their bodies grow the way summers used to be.

This blog will be dedicated to our journey through this process. Hopefully it will inspire others (who feel the same) to join the crusade to purge and simplify.


Frankie said...

Oh, I look forward to this blog! I've been thinking along the same lines.

AnneMarie said...

dd's school is promoting "turn off tv and turn on life" this week... I have to tell you- we don't have a video game... nope, not one! And I survived and so did my kids :) There is much to be said for boredom :) My kids do find things to do... I have a list from

hope you find some of it cool.. or your kids rather! :)

Mama Podkayne said...

Me too. I just checked in to some of my favorite blogs and suddenly, or not so suddenly the Wicked Pickles are invite only?!